

Monday, April 30, 2012

Zurker.com - New kid on the block

With a huge number of social networking sites available on internet, another one joins the pool. But this one's claims to have a different concept to back it. Claimed by various websites,the site founded by the Twin Brothers whose concept of social networking site was apparently stolen by Mark Zuckerberg(ultimately leading to the creation of world's most populated website, the Facebook), Zurker.com brings to you with a new set of UI, themes and ultimately the platform to socially interact with your friends family etc etc.

Conceptually, this website makes you the shareholder for having an account on the site. The shares can be earned by the number of successful referrals you sent to your friend who eventually and legally become the members of this site(they have their terms of defining a legal member.) The shares called vshares gives you the ownership in the company equal to the number of vshares you own. On its website, Zurker also mentions that the vshares can be converted to actual shares once the company becomes a public venture. Once you join the website, for first 24 hours of sign up, you can earn 2 vshares per successful referral and 1 vshare thereafter.

Will it be able to compete with Facebook? Difficult to say. The design is not that great, the green coloured background looks like you have just entered an alien land and the side links need a better formatting, still, all this can be pardoned till the final version of this website is released for public use.

I am finding this social media tool to be a turn around in the way which people would interact but again i would not assume anything until the whole functionality is observed on their live systems.

The site is in beta mode and sign up is available only via referral. For people interested in sign up you can click here..Be a part of a revolutionary concept in the world of social networking (and lemme earn some vshares.. :))

Catch on the youtube video here which gives an overview of the website.
Zurker official video

1 comment:

  1. This looks promising... But on www many promising concepts have turned turtle. So just lets hope for the best.
